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需要一篇关于手机的利和弊的作文 搜索关于手



As the social developing,more and more people begin to use mobile phone.different people hold diffierent views.

Almost half of the people who use mobile phone think phone is of a great help in thier life.because there are many advantages,such as make a call ,listen to music,read the news and so on.Of course,there are some people woho hold the opposite oppinions.they think that it is the mobile phone that make people spend much time in playing games,and they even copy answers while having tests sometimes which really has bad effect in their future.

In my opinion,mobile phone play an important part in our life,not only can we communicate with person conveniently but we can relax ourselves wherever we are.All in all a mobile phone

is double-edged sword.we should use it properly.


上WAP.3G.QQ.COM, 用手机上哦。


淡漠藏在街角的转弯处 淡漠 ­ 撕下昨天的日历,时间又向前迈进了一步。 沉默高挂于光阴的树梢上,看着昨天慢慢走远。 摊开紧握的双手,只有一片虚无的空气,冷漠地将心层层环绕。 许久许久,遗忘了,原来还有种语言叫做文字。 每天,只是重复着,说些言不及义的话语。 没有太多的想法,没有无法压抑的思念,也没有任何的不可言说… 只是,习惯地,看日子流水般匆匆走过。 心情,干净到极点,再泛不起一丝丝涟漪。也许,时光留给自己的,除了淡然,便剩下冷漠。 情绪的那片天空,一片苍凉,贫瘠得可怜… ­ part 2 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 街角的转弯。 属于别人的故事正在上演。拉扯、纠缠、争吵… 到最后,是一个冷漠的转身。 留下的人,泪流满面。 故事,在此时嘎然而止,音乐却不曾停下来。 原来,很久以前就曾经这样问过,如果继续爱下去,结果会是怎样? 只是,时间始终不曾给予答案。 而际遇,选择了让缘份错过。 关于爱情的主题曲,只是一首唱了一半的歌。 悠扬的旋律,留不住远走的步伐。也许,有些故事,只有这样地结束,才算是一个完美的结局。 毕竟,一份残缺的遗憾,总是远比安定的平淡,来得更让人深刻。 ­ part 3 ­ ­ ­ 转身,路过。 我只是一个看风景的人。 偶尔出现在别人的舞台边上,欣赏别人的演出,怀想别人的结局。 然后,想着自己的心情。淡漠得似道具后的另一种背景,不会有谁会发现。 双手,交握。 我想要握住一些什么?心情、感觉、缘份… 亦或者是记忆? 记忆,仿佛是太过久远的东西,我曾经丢失了,又在某些时候拾起了。 原来,放下的是年月中沉淀的心情,而不是脑海中烙印的痕迹。 穿梭在空间中的思绪,开始以一种缅怀的方式,慢慢地剥开,那些被岁月尘封的东西。 那些年少轻狂,天真纯洁的情怀,竟在成长中,不知不觉地悄悄离去。 ­ part 4 ­ ­ ­ 眼泪挂在睫毛上一闪一闪,然后,坠落。 嘴角,自然地浮上一抹微笑。 风清云淡。 属于心灵的那片净土,依然蔚蓝而晴朗。 站在微风拂来的方向,明白到,有种忧伤历经褪变,逐渐变得透明、淡然…


As we know, with the development of society, more and more students are having cellphone. They are given as presents from parents, friends or relatives. In my opinion, the disadvantages are much more obvious than advantages of using cellphone. Here are my reasons.

First, cellphone will distract us from listening to the teachers in class. For example, while we are having class, and the cellphone rings, no doubt, it will distrub all of us, including teachers and students. So it will have an negative effect on our study.

Second, it is clear to us that using cellphone will do harm to our health and brain, according to the scientific survey. From the point of health,let's stop using the cellphone.

Last but not the least, many of us use cellphone to communicate with our friend. But the question is whether they are all good to you. It may easily lead to us have bad friends.